Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Unstructurally Structured

Hey y'all, Ashley here from Our Daily Chocolate. So, a little out of my norm, usually I'm bloggin' about some craft or busy making earrings...but today I'm talkin' school.

I homeschool my 2 children {ages 8 and 4}. I started homeschooling from the very beginning, and I have been lovin' every step of this journey! 

Though a few times I have considered dreamed thought about what life would be like if my littles left the house for school {can anyone say clean laundry!}

I love that I get to be home and raise them up and mold their wonderfully smart minds!

We just recently moved so I do not have any fun "where do you school" pics. Besides, we school just about anywhere. 

{When we're not busy being animal rescuers...}

We do alot of work at the library. We are typically there 4-5 days a week. It really helps that the library is within walking distance, like 3 minutes down the road distance {hello gym!}. 

 {Notice the magnifying glass? We study nature on our walks, like how, in nature, boys can't take normal pictures with their sisters}

The librarians know us very well. When something new comes in, they set it aside for us! Talk about service!!
This year I purchased a ready made curriculum from Calvert. I really like it. We're more of the unschooling type, but I also love/thrive/desperately need structure. 

{or we'll do this all day}

{don't mind the junk in the background, they don't!}

I have a few essentials that are a must when it comes to schooling my kiddos. I have to have a chalk board/dry erase board {and not those little itty bitty things), a timer, chocolate, and a big cup of coffee! Oh yes, we cannot 'do school' unless mama has her chocolate and coffee, oh, er and those other things.

There isn't much more to our schooling, we are an unstructurally structured unschooling curriculum using bunch!

I would love to hear if any of you are unschoolers, or which curriculum you use. Please feel free to stop by my blog, find me on Facebook, or connect with me on Twitter and share with me!

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